Embracing National Storytelling Week

In the realm of literature, storytelling is an art form through which human experiences, emotions, and wisdom are transmitted across generations.

It’s National Storytelling Week, and what better way to recognize this tradition of sharing and inspiring than spending time listening to stories, reading about others’ lives, or delving deeper into what our unique stories are. You know, the ones that connect us with others, resonate with readers, and inspire.

Finding your why

National Storytelling Week extends beyond mere acknowledgment. It beckons us to delve into the significance of sharing our narratives, unearthing the stories that dwell within us, and understanding the compelling "why" behind our desire to illuminate our unique journeys.

As a memoir author, I’ve enjoyed sharing my why. Aspiring writers have asked me how I got from the point of thinking about telling my life of 22 years as a political spouse, to writing, publishing, and marketing my book. I share my journey through honest recollection of what it felt like as an aspiring author.

I honestly tell those who ask that I often wondered whether anyone cared about what I had to say. Would anyone read my book was an oft-asked question. The more I wrote, the more committed I became to telling my story and believing in the power of my personal journey.

Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so give yourself grace to traverse the process, embracing each moment of growth as you craft, refine, and celebrate your words. One of the best byproducts of becoming a published author is the people you meet, and the opportunities to hopefully help and inspire others to realize the dream of writing their memoir.

I’ve been fortunate to teach memoir aspiring writers in my community, and I recently met 17 new writers in the class I’m teaching at Eckerd College. Memoir Mastery: Crafting Your Life Story is about harnessing the transformative power of storytelling firsthand. My students are learning that their narratives hold intrinsic value, waiting to be shared with the world.

At its core, storytelling transcends the mere recounting of events; it serves as a vessel for human connection, empathy, and understanding. Our narratives possess the ability to resonate with others, offering solace, inspiration, and solidarity amidst the intricacies of human experience. Through the act of sharing our stories, we bridge the chasms of distance and difference, weaving a tapestry of collective wisdom.

Inspiring new authors

In the Memoir Mastery class, I have the privilege of guiding “over-50” learners on a transformative journey of self-discovery and expression. Students embark on a voyage of introspection, unearthing the defining moments, emotions, and reflections that shape their unique narratives. As they navigate this labyrinth of memory and experience, they gain insight and understanding, and curate their own stories.

Central to the ethos of memoir writing is the profound exploration of "why” - the driving force that propels us to share our most intimate truths with the world. What compels us to excavate the recesses of memory and distill our experiences into written form? The answer lies in the intrinsic yearning for connection, understanding, and legacy. Our stories serve as testaments to the richness of human experience, offering glimpses into the triumphs, tribulations, and transformations that define our lives.

National Storytelling Week ends Feb. 4, but I invite you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and expression. Explore the depths of your memories, emotions, and aspirations, allowing the narrative threads of your life to weave a tale of authenticity and resonance. Embrace the power of your story, recognizing that within its pages lies the potential to inspire, empower, and unite.

Let National Storytelling Week be the call to action that summons you to share your story with the world. Continue to recognize the profound impact that sharing your story has. Whether through the written word, oral tradition, or digital platforms, let your voice resound with clarity and conviction.

An invitation for you

To my fellow storytellers and aspiring memoirists, I extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace the transformative power of your narrative. Join me in my Facebook Group, Make Memoir Magic. Click HERE to join my community of storytellers, writers, and aspiring memoirists.

Together, let’s celebrate the art of storytelling while creating a supportive, inclusive, and interactive community. Our stories serve as beacons of hope, resilience, and transformation. As National Storytelling Week draws to a close, remember that writing is a journey. When you decided to commit to authoring your unique story, you embarked on something new. Your words will take readers on their own journey. As the author, you’re the ultimate tour guide. A new story is always a trip worth taking. And speaking of trips, I love to travel. I’ve been fortunate to visit several countries, including Morrocco, Cuba, and Qatar. After we almost canceled a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy in 2017, my mantra became, “Always take the trip.” In fact, it’s the title of one of the chapters in my book, Accidental First Lady: On the Front Lines (and Behind the Scenes) of Local Politics.

In the spirit of embarking on new journeys, embracing vulnerability, and welcoming transformations, I’m sharing this chapter with you. Click THIS LINK to read Chapter 14: Always Take the Trip. it’s a glimpse into my world during a stressful political campaign, struggles I faced during a pivotal moment, and the resolution. I hope you enjoy it as an example of storytelling.

Although National Storytelling Week ends soon, I encourage you to carry the spirit of storytelling with you in all your endeavors, knowing that within the pages of your narratives lies the power to change the world - one story at a time.

Kerry Kriseman