Unleashing the Power of Your Voice

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day under the theme of "inspire inclusion," it's essential to reflect on the historical significance of this day and the profound impact women have had on shaping our world through their voices and experiences.

International Women's Day began in 1908 when the Socialist Party of America designated Feb. 28 to honor the brave women who participated in the garment workers' strike in New York, protesting abysmal working conditions. However, the roots of women's activism in the United States dig deeper, reaching back to 1848 when Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the first women's rights convention in New York. Fueled by indignation over women being silenced at an anti-slavery convention, this gathering marked the birth of a movement striving for equality across all spheres of life.

Throughout history, women have harnessed the power of their voices to effect profound change, advocate for marginalized communities, and champion inclusivity. In a world where patriarchal norms often prioritize male voices, women have persisted in sharing their narratives, challenging societal norms, and reshaping the discourse.

Aspiring authors, particularly women, often grapple with doubts about the relevance of their stories. Like many, I questioned whether my voice mattered. As a political spouse for over two decades, my identity was often overshadowed by my husband's public persona. People turned to him for answers, opinions, and guidance, relegating me to the role of a supportive partner, often unseen and unheard.

During his political tenure, I sometimes found myself confined to the sidelines, even viewed as a mere volunteer at the nonprofit where I dedicated 15 years of service. Fearful of scrutiny and criticism, I suppressed my voice, afraid that speaking out would disrupt the status quo and invite unwanted attention, or worse, a headline in our local paper.

It wasn't until a friend encouraged me to write my memoir, shedding light on my experiences and perspectives, that I realized the transformative power of storytelling. With the support of loved ones, including my husband, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, reclaiming my narrative and embracing the significance of my voice.

Memoir writing is not merely an act of self-expression; it is an act of empowerment. By sharing our stories, we dismantle stereotypes, challenge systemic injustices, and pave the way for a more inclusive society. Our words have the power to inspire, educate, and ignite change, transcending barriers and amplifying voices long suppressed.

Every memoir is a testament to resilience, courage, and authenticity. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of vulnerability. In a world inundated with noise, memoirists stand as beacons of truth, offering glimpses into the human experience and fostering empathy and understanding.

To aspiring authors hesitant to embark on their writing journey, I urge you to embrace the power of your voice. Your story matters. Your experiences are valid. Through your words, you have the potential to spark conversations, challenge perceptions, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Writing a memoir is not about seeking validation or acclaim; it is about reclaiming agency, asserting your identity, and leaving a legacy for future generations. It is about honoring the voices of those who came before us and paving the way for those yet to come.

On this International Women's Day, let us celebrate the resilience, tenacity, and boundless potential of women everywhere. Let us honor the trailblazers who paved the way for our progress and empower the next generation of storytellers to share their truth unapologetically.

As we strive for a more inclusive and equitable world, let us recognize the transformative power of storytelling and the profound impact of memoirists in shaping our collective consciousness. Today, and every day, may we stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices of women and honoring the richness of their experiences.

In the words of Audre Lorde, "Your silence will not protect you." Embrace the power of your voice, and let your story be heard.

Happy International Women's Day.


Kerry Kriseman