Five Powerful Habits That Will Help You Succeed as a Memoir Writer

Earlier this week, I was cleaning out the Notes app on my iPhone. I’d forgotten about the one I created on Feb. 1 that listed my 10 goals for 2024. Sometimes we get so busy in the day to day of checking off tasks, investing in our respective businesses, and just living life that we can forget to assess our progress. And, if needed, we neglect reassessing goals when necessary.

I’ve never set New Year’s resolutions. It’s not that I don’t believe in them. I figure that anything I would “resolve” to do at the beginning of a new year should be done throughout the year. I do a respectable job of holding myself accountable, especially when it comes to progressing on projects and being honest with how well I’m doing exactly what I set out to do.

When I read the 10 goals I’d set forth less than 8 months ago, I was surprised to see that I’d completed each one of them. What the self-help gurus state is accurate. Goal setting works, and it’s especially crucial for aspiring authors to set achievable, measurable goals.

Now, let’s take this a step further. Aspiring authors who endeavor to write memoirs sometimes face a bigger hurdle in setting and maintaining goals. That’s because writing a memoir is a brave and deeply personal journey. You’re not just telling a story—you’re weaving together pieces of your life and inviting readers to share in your experiences. As much as writing a memoir is an emotional process, it’s also a disciplined one. Without strong habits in place, even the most compelling stories can remain unfinished.

Whether you’re just starting or have been writing for a while, creating habits that support your memoir-writing journey is essential. These habits are the building blocks that will transform your ideas into a finished manuscript.

Here are five habits that will help you succeed as a memoirist and set the foundation for a thriving writing career:

1. Commit to a Writing Routine

Consistency is key. Waiting for inspiration can leave you staring at a blank page for days, weeks, or even months. Instead, set a specific time each day—or at least several times a week—to write. It doesn’t have to be long sessions; even 20 minutes of focused writing can add up. The point is to make writing a non-negotiable part of your routine, like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee.

Find a time of day when you’re most alert and creative, and block that off as your sacred writing time. Over time, this habit will not only help you make steady progress but will also train your mind to get into writing mode faster.

2. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

One of the reasons writers lose momentum is the lack of clear goals. Setting both short-term and long-term writing goals gives you a roadmap. Start by breaking your memoir project into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, aim to complete a certain number of chapters in a month or write a set number of words per week.

When you have specific goals in place, the writing process feels more attainable. And every time you meet one of those goals, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that propels you forward.

Need help setting goals? I have a Goal Setting Guide that outlines how to create practical, achievable writing goals that can lead you to success. More on that below!

3. Embrace Revision as Part of the Process

No first draft is perfect, and that’s okay! Many aspiring memoirists get stuck thinking they need to craft the perfect sentence from the start. The truth is magic often happens in revision. Give yourself permission to write imperfectly, knowing that you’ll come back and polish later.

Instill the habit of regularly revisiting your work after a break. Fresh eyes can help you see areas for improvement that you might have missed in the heat of writing. By embracing revision as part of your routine, you can overcome the fear of imperfection and move closer to a finished memoir.

4. Create a Support System

Writing can be a solitary activity, but you don’t have to do it alone. Surround yourself with people who understand your writing goals and will encourage you when you hit those inevitable roadblocks. This could be a writing group, an accountability partner, or an online community of memoirists.

Having a support system keeps you motivated and provides feedback and perspective when you need it most. If you ever feel stuck or unsure, a quick conversation with another writer can often lead to innovative ideas or solutions.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Writing a memoir can stir up powerful emotions, and it’s important to take care of yourself during the process. Regular exercise, proper sleep, and moments of relaxation are vital. When you feel mentally and physically strong, you’re more likely to stay motivated and inspired.

Self-care doesn’t just help you stay healthy; it ensures that you can continue writing for the long haul. Remember, writing a memoir is a marathon, not a sprint.

Why Goal Setting is the Habit You Need Right Now

You’ve noticed that many of these habits revolve around one thing: having a plan and sticking to it. That’s where goal setting comes in. Without clear, actionable goals, it’s easy to get lost or feel overwhelmed by the process. Setting goals helps you stay focused, prioritize your time, and make consistent progress.

That’s why I created a Goal Setting Guide specifically for memoirists like you. This guide walks you through the steps to define your writing goals, break them down into actionable tasks, and hold yourself accountable. It’s designed to help you build the momentum you need to finally finish your memoir.

For just $7, you’ll get a clear roadmap to guide you through the writing process—helping you stay on track and achieve your memoir-writing dreams. Whether you're just getting started or are deep in the writing process, setting goals can be the difference between a finished manuscript and one that never leaves the first draft.

Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to get serious about your writing. Let this be the moment you commit to yourself, your story, and your success.

Click here to grab your Goal Setting Guide and start turning your writing dreams into reality today!

Building the right habits is the key to memoir-writing success. By sticking to a routine, setting achievable goals, and prioritizing both your work and your well-being, you can make steady progress toward sharing your story with the world. Remember, the most successful authors aren’t necessarily the most talented—they’re the ones who show up consistently and keep pushing forward, day by day. Now it’s your turn!

Kerry Kriseman