Dream it


Dream it 〰️

Get ready to design an amazing one-page author website!

I’m so excited for you to have this guide that lays out the exact steps to take to design a compelling one-page author website.

Whether you have dreams of a larger website down the road, you’ve just published your new book - or you’re new to website design - so this is the first, perfect step to take. Sure, you could hire a website designer, but imagine how empowering it will feel when you look at your brand-new one-page author website that YOU designed.

Your readers and everyone who wants to learn more about you - the author - will land here, and don’t you owe it to yourself to infuse it with your voice, your brand, your expertise! Enjoy this guide, and the creation process.

Just as it was when you started writing your book, this is new.

Give yourself patience. Have fun with it. Make it your own.

Your new author website is waiting. Get creating!