Dog Star, Be the Light

When the 7th guide dog puppy we raised for Southeastern Guide Dog was career-changed, we adopted her. This year, I finally got around to having her certified as a therapy dog, so that she could hopefully still help others. The pandemic sidelined our plans to visit hospitals and schools. We were unable to go to libraries so that young kids struggling to read might gain confidence by reading to Christie. Tomorrow will be our first outing as a team. It's fitting that it will be for Frontline Workers First Friday, a day to honor the selfless individuals who risk their lives so the rest of us can stay safe and healthy. Every first Friday, the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida welcomes these heroes with free admission. Therapy dogs provide snuggles, hugs and a little stress relief. Thanks Anna Cooke and "The New Barker" for letting me tell THIS STORY of Christie, our pup who almost became a guide.

Kerry Kriseman